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Så fungerar bokning för upplevelser

Hosting an Airbnb Experience is a great way to share your skills and meet new people. Once Airbnb has approved your Experience and you've published it on Airbnb, guests can book available dates.

Guests will book on your Experience page, where they will need to review your requirements before they can make a reservation.

What happens once they’ve booked

When a guest books, we'll send you an email with their profile and contact information. You can also view this information on the Airbnb platform.

Guests will receive a confirmation with details about where to meet and when, and what to bring. 

Primary bookers for groups

If you need the primary booker to verify their ID before attending your Experience, they’ll have 3 days to do so, or their entire reservation will be automatically canceled.

We recommend that you message your guests to introduce yourself, ask if they have any questions, and get to know each other in advance.

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